Review ~ My Torin by K Webster!

My Torin by K Webster was such an emotional read for me, and I was absolutely consumed in this mysterious, heartwarming, and inspiring story!

I’m a freak, a misfit, an odd end.
Abandoned and unloved.
But my happiness is so close I can taste it.

Until he shows up.

Gorgeous, expensive, and all man.
Sad brown eyes and a brilliant smile.
And he wants me to go with him.

His intentions are hidden.
His motives are unclear.
Yet, I leave with him because there’s no happiness here.

What he promises feels too good to be true…
A castle. A fortune. And horses too.

It’s too easy.
Nothing in my life has ever been easy.

What’s the catch?
There’s always a catch.

One of my book club besties LOVES K Webster and recommended My Torin, so I pretty much dove into it blindly. Although I knew it was a darker romance, I had no idea how emotional this read would be, and the compassion of the characters and the unique story just wouldn’t let me go for even a minute. Now here I sit days later, still caught up in the feels of this mysterious, heartwarming, and inspiring story!

‘I couldn’t choose one type to represent you. You’re everything at once. Every pretty thing in one breathtaking package.’

Webster’s writing was beautiful, and she did an incredible job of pulling me into a heartbreaking world that I’m very unfamiliar with. The story was told in Casey, Tyler, and Torin’s point of views, and their complex characters were so broken yet full of heart. I admired their loyalty and was inspired by their strength.

‘My heart, broken and hollowed out most days, throbs back to life. The kindness that shines in her eyes is addictive. I want to drink straight from the source.’

My Torin was a very steamy romance yet in a very unexpected way. I don’t want to give too much of the story away, because the mystery and suspense is what made the impact on me. I will tell you though, that I really went through the gamut of every single emotion while reading it!

‘This is us. We’re two halves of a whole. The sun and moon working together in perfect harmony.’

This heartwarming story will linger with me, and I definitely recommend this read if you’re looking for an emotional and inspiring darker romance!


Purchase My Torin on Amazon today!

K Webster is a USA Today Bestselling author of over sixty romance books in many different genres including dark romance, taboo romance, contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her supportive husband and two adorable children, she’s active on social media connecting with her readers.

Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen. You can read more about K. Webster on her website here! copy

Are you a fan of dark romance? Have you read any books by K Webster?

Let me know in the comments below!


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13 thoughts on “Review ~ My Torin by K Webster!

          1. Nope. I’ve heard a lot about this too though. I plan on picking it up someday, but you know how TBR lists happen 😅

  1. I have to admit I have mixed feelings when it comes to K Webster’s writing. I loved a few of her books with JD Hollyfield, but a couple of her own books weren’t my thing. I probably would have just skipped this one if it wasn’t for your review. You have me even more curious than the blurb did. Since it’s KU, it just got downloaded. I can’t wait to get some answers!
    Nice review!

    1. I hope you enjoy it too! Everything about it was so unexpected and emotional. Honestly, if I had known that it was so emotional, I wouldn’t have chosen that one, but I’m glad that I did. I’ve heard some pretty controversial thoughts on her stories overall, but this one was really good!

  2. This one has been recommended to me as one of her beautiful and a little heartbreaking stories Daisy!

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