Book Review: The Baller by Vi Keeland!

The Baller was such a sexy and fun sports romance! I thoroughly enjoyed this ‘Down and Dirty Football Novel’ and look forward to reading more works by Vi Keeland! 

 About the Book:

The first time I met Brody Easton was in the men’s locker room.
It was my first interview as a professional sportscaster.
The famed quarterback decided to bare all.
And by all, I don’t mean he told me any of his secrets.
No. The arrogant ass decided to drop his towel, just as I asked the first question. On camera.
The Super Bowl MVP quickly adopted a new hobby—screwing with me.
When I pushed back, he shifted from wanting to screw with me, to wanting to screw me.
But I don’t date players.
And it’s not because I’m one of the few women working in the world of professional football.
I’d date an athlete.
It’s the other kind of player I don’t date.
You know the type. Good looking, strong, cocky, always looking to get laid.

Brody Easton was the ultimate player.
Every woman wanted to be the one to change him.
But the truth was, all he needed was a girl worth changing for.
Turned out, I was that girl.
Simple right?
Let’s face it. It never is.
There’s a story between once upon a time and happily ever after
And this one is ours.


My Review:

The Baller was such a sexy and fun sports romance with a great story!

Although Brody and Delilah’s introduction to each other went completely south, I was glad to see there was much more to him than the arrogant jerk he came across as. He was surprisingly sweet and genuine. I loved that Delilah was career driven and strong, and she was the perfect compliment to Maddox. They both shared such a great passion and love of football, and I enjoyed their camaraderie in the game. Together, Brody and Delilah just fit, and I enjoyed their wit and how they were so playful and fun with each other!

I loved the football storyline, and this was a very well rounded story. Although it wasn’t necessarily complex, I was glad there was more to it than I had expected. It was told by both Brody and Delilah’s point of view, and I particularly enjoyed how it allowed me to see more depth to Maddox’s character as well as his past. He was a truly kind-hearted and caring man, and his loyalty to those he loved was amazing!

This is my first read by Vi Keeland as a solo author. I have only read Cocky Bastard, which she co-wrote with Penelope Ward and was another pleasant surprise for me as well. Her heartfelt stories are fun, and her witty and endearing characters make me smile. I thoroughly enjoyed this ‘Down and Dirty Football Novel’ and look forward to reading more of Vi Keeland’s works! 

*** 4 Stars for Me! ***

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 Let’s Chat! 

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